Domain for Sale
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Why Tiananmen.com?

Why Tiananmen.com?
   Tiananmen” is a household name in China.  It is a symbol for the nation and the heart of China in the center of the capital.  Tiananmen Square is the largest public square in the world.  Historically, Tiananmen Square was once used as a giant market plaza during the Qing Dynasties.  In modern Chinese history, many significant events, from the Declaration of Independence by Chairman Mao in 1949, to the Chinese students movement in 1989, have occurred on Tiananmen Square.  Tiananmen is the single most important and memorable place in Mainland China and is a highly respected symbol and recognized name among all Chinese people.  Consequently, Tiananmen.com will prove to be an easily recognized and remembered internet domain name and will therefore provide a unique marketing advantage for your company.

Domain for sale:
Submit your offer or inquiry to:   info@tiananmen.com
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